Health and Safety Tips

Health and Safety Tips for Pet Parents
Having a pet is no small responsibility, and it’s our job to keep you informed and educated about potential dangers, health-boosting habits, recommended routines, and more.

General Tips
Here are some everyday tips for keeping your pet happy, healthy, and safe.
- See our Wellness Exams page to learn about our approach to preventive medicine and helping your pet stay healthy at every stage—and helping you stay within your budget!
- Provide your pet with plenty of drinking water at all times.
- Make sure your pet is getting sufficient exercise on a daily basis.
- It’s also important to keep your pet well-groomed to prevent hair mats and tangles, keep them cool, and prevent skin irritation and infection. Make brushing a routine, and trim overgrown areas as needed.
- Know where your pet is at all times—if you can’t see them, they might be in a vulnerable spot. Check your driveway and keep your pet safely out of the street.
- Find specific toys for your pet that can’t be easily swallowed or chewed into pieces that can cause choking, intestinal obstruction, and/or internal injury. Foreign body ingestion is all too common among dogs and cats, and often requires surgical intervention.
- Preventing parasites is easier than treating them once they’ve become a serious problem, and should be a permanent fixture in your pet’s health routine. Along with fleas and ticks, heartworm disease is a life-threatening condition transmitted by mosquitoes. Call our hospital at (305) 852-5252 for more information about parasite prevention.
- To minimize your pet’s exposure to parasites and to prevent parasite breeding, we recommend:
- Keeping your yard clear of feces
- Dumping out any standing water (including watering cans, planters, flower pot saucers, etc.)
- Clearing away leaf litter
- Keeping trees and bushes trimmed back
- Drooling
- Crying
- Head-shaking
- Loss of coordination
- Convulsions
- Seizures
Weather Safety
As enjoyable as the weather can be down here in Key Largo, it can still pose some hazards to your pet.
- When your pet is staying outside, make sure they have a ventilated, well-shaded area to shelter from the heat and sun.
- Never, ever leave your pet by themselves in a vehicle. Whether the car is parked in the shade or the sun, the inside of the vehicle can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit within minutes.
- Keep exercise to a minimum on especially hot days; it’s much easier for your pet to over-exert themselves, which can put them at risk for heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Not sure if the outside temperature is safe for your pet? Give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions.
- See our page about hurricane preparation and make sure you and your pet have a plan in place.